I was thinking back to the first time we ever heard a diagnosis, and I was trying to relive the feelings and emotions I had at that time. I have come up with seven honest tips. I don't want to sugarcoat anything therefor some of the tips may even sound a bit harsh, it was not meant that way. 1. Breathe - take a deep breath and let it out. Take a couple more. It's going to be okay. Sounds cliché, I know, just do it. It may not feel that way now, but things will get better. You will get into a new rhythm and things will start to make a new kind of sense. 2. Talk to your other half - this is very important and gets neglected a lot of times. Tell your spouse how you feel. If you're angry, say so. If you're scared, admit it. This is a huge hurdle that has been placed on your path. Your journey is about to take a drastic turn, you need to be on the same page. If you are not on the same page, work together to get on the same page, otherwise things will only get wor...