I was reminded today how challenging our lives were two years ago when we took care of our mom with alzheimers. My facebook memories for today showed a post I placed exactly two years ago. I place an excerpt from the facebook post below. I look back on the memories from that time with some sadness but also with a feeling of peace, I know we did our best for mom and I'm sure she is looking at us with pride.
Facebook post from 2 years ago:
Alzheimers. It's when old people forget things, right? It's when an old granny with gray hair and a walker can't remember anymore.
But sometimes alzheimers is your mom who at 57 years old start to forget things, and you think no, it's normal, people start to forget as they age. And as the years pass you can't stay in denial. At 61 years old you get the dreaded diagnosis. It's early onset alzheimers disease.
Alzheimers. In some cases, it's feeding your mom for 2 hours, all the while ducking the hand trying to slap the spoon from your hand.
Alzheimers. It's your 9 year old son exclaiming in awe that granny is holding her cup on her own and drinking her tea by herself. Him asking if she is getting better now, and you choking back tears while explaining that no, she's just having a good day.
Alzheimers. It's looking on in jealousy at an 80 year old granny speaking and playing with her grandchildren.
Alzheimers. It's helping your mom with all tasks of daily living, from dressing to feeding, to bathroom tasks.
Alzheimers. It's hating a disease that takes away mercilessly. It takes away her memories, her emotions, her voice, everything that made her mom.
But YOU still have the memories, and YOU imagine the emotions and YOU become her voice, and YOU remember she is your MOM, no matter what.
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